ATEU Softwares, (includes all the apps from ATEU Softwares mainly All tools, Pro coding, WiFi CCTV, All Games, File Transfer,WiFi Calls and Walkie Talkie and Music group ) in play store have followed this privacy policy and to help you understand how we use the data from your device, like camera, microphone, location,storage data we have written this privacy policy.
We do NOT collect or share any personal data from you or your devices.
Non personal data may be automatically collected by the libraries of google play services in the app and for more info see Google privacy policy.
Camera is used in your devices by our apps. We do not collect or share any data from camera, we only require the data in real time for example for measuring the Heart rate, to take pictures, to detect colors etc. If you are using the tool called Cctv in our apps you will share the real time data with the connected device of your choice and the data will never be stored in the device and you are in full control of it and you can disconnect at any point of time.
Microphone data is required only for recording, to measure the decibels etc. We do not collect or share the data from microphone. If you are using the tool called Walkie Talkie, Wifi Calls and wireless Mike in our apps you will share the real time data with the connected device of your choice and the data will never be stored in the device and you are in full control of it and you can disconnect at any point of time.
Location data is required for the tools like Speedometer, altimeter, my location etc. We do not collect or share any kind of location data and it is only used in real time.
It is required to read the files which is or was stored only from our apps in storage with app's name folder except this we never read any other data from storage. And we do not collect or share the data from storage.